
第43章 赛后采访 (第1/2页)


【记者D】Will I still train with Coach Li Zhisen next season? Will it still be transferred?



【翻译人员】I will continue to train with Coach Li Zhisen next season because I have signed a long-term contract with him.

【记者E】Since your promotion, your career has been quite smooth. Do you have any injuries or problems?



【翻译人员】Every athlete has injuries, let's not mention that.

【记者F】What are the goals for next season? For example, how many gold medals to win and so on.



【翻译人员】I definitely hope to win gold medals in next season's petitions. I will continue to train hard and strive not to fall off the podium.

【记者C】Is it regrettable not to participate in the final of the Grand Prix of Figure Skating?





假面:我继承了门矢士的能力 叮~欢迎回到柯学心跳大作战 [原神]要来杯蜜雪冰史莱姆吗 我靠美食系统搞基建 癫公癫婆一起疯我是综影视安陵容 成为怪谈的日子 遮天:我是白帝